Since our launch, we've been building Finary with you, our community. By sharing this public roadmap, we're taking transparency even further!

How to prioritize a topic?

You can participate in our roadmap by voting in our community! The more votes a topic gets, the higher its chances of being prioritized. The Finary team will also consider the technical complexity and the alignment of the feature with our vision before prioritizing it.

What happens when a feature is launched?

The votes are closed, and the topic is moved to the “Finary Discussions” section. You can share your feedback there. If you want to suggest a significant improvement, you’ll need to create a new topic in the “New Features” section.

I want to propose a feature that isn't on the roadmap; how do I do that?

Start by searching for the topic in the “New Features” section of our community. If it doesn’t exist, create it to gather votes.

I encountered a bug, what should I do?

You can contact our customer care team via App/Web or check if the a topic has already been addresses in the “Help” section of our community. If not, you can open a new one.


Got questions? Feel free to ask them on our community, send us an email at [email protected], or DM us on Twitter.